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312 lines
; $VER: Install_StormMesa 1.0
; By Hans-Jörg Frieden
; English text
(procedure english-text (
(set #yes "Yes")
(set #no "No")
(set #welcome (cat
"Welcome to the installation of StormMesa 3.0")
(set #dest-prompt (cat
"Please select a place where you want StormMesa to be installed. "
"(No new drawer will be created). To perform an upgrade, you "
"should use 'mesa:'")
(set #main-copy-msg "Copying StormMesa...")
(set #libs-copy-msg "Copying shared library to LIBS: ")
(set #startup-prompt
(cat "Your User-Startup must be modified. This will add the command\n"
"\"assign mesa: "
(set #startup-prompt-2 "\"\nto your user-startup.")
(set #stat-prompt (cat
"Do you want to see statistical information about 3D-Hardware "
"usage after an OpenGL application has been run from a shell?")
(set #noclamp-prompt (cat
"You seem to have a CyberVision3D hardware installed. Therefore "
"you should enable the env variable MESA/NOCLAMP, if you want "
"StormMesa to use the Virge's 3D features. Don't set this variable "
"if you want to use another 3D chip for hardware acceleration\n\n"
"Enable the variable MESA/NOCLAMP?")
(set #triple-prompt (cat
"This StormMesa version supports triple buffering, which can "
"accelerate demos in fullscreen mode. Triple buffering should "
"not be used for graphics boards with less than 8MB RAM\n\n"
"Enable triple buffering?")
(set #aga-prompt (cat
"If StormMesa 3.0 should be used under AGA and you have OS 3.0, "
"the \"NewWPA8\"-Patch must be installed. Do you want to copy it "
"to the C Drawer?")
(set #aga-copy "Copying NewWPA8 to C:")
(set #aga-msg (cat
"Note: This patch must be executed in your startup-sequence. Installer "
"can not do this automatically, you'll have to manually add the line\n"
"in your startup-sequence, directly after the \"SetPatch\" call.")
(set #exit-msg (cat
"Installation is now complete. Now you can get and install "
"the demo archives with many example programs to test "
"the StormMesa software.")
; German text
(procedure german-text (
(set #yes "Ja")
(set #no "Nein")
(set #welcome (cat
"Willkommen zur Installation von StormMesa 3.0")
(set #dest-prompt (cat
"Bitte wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis aus, in das StormMesa installiert werden "
"soll (es wird keine neue Schublade erstellt). Um einen Upgrade "
"durchzuführen, verwenden Sie am besten 'mesa:'")
(set #main-copy-msg "Die StormMesa-Dateien werden kopiert...")
(set #libs-copy-msg "Kopiere Shared Library nach LIBS: ")
(set #startup-prompt
(cat "Ihre User-Startup Datei wird modifiziert und die Zeile\n"
"\"Assign mesa: "
(set #startup-prompt-2 "\"\nwird hinuzugefügt")
(set #stat-prompt (cat
"Sollen nach Beendigung einer OpenGL-Aplikation statistische "
"Angaben über die Benutzung von vorhandener 3D-Hardware in der "
"Shell ausgegeben werden?")
(set #noclamp-prompt (cat
"Es scheint eine CyberVision3D-Hardware installiert zu sein. Deswegen "
"sollte die Env-Variable MESA/NOCLAMP gesetzt sein, wenn der Virge "
"fuer die Grafikausgabe genutzt werden soll. Diese Variable sollte "
"nicht gesetzt werden, wenn ein anderer 3D-Chip fuer die Ausgabe "
"genutzt werden soll\n\n"
"Soll die Variable MESA/NOCLAMP gesetzt werden?")
(set #triple-prompt (cat
"Dieser StormMesa-Release unterstuetzt Triple-Buffering, welches "
"Demos im Fullscreen-Modus beschleunigen kann. Triple-Buffering "
"sollte nicht mit Grafikkarten verwendet werden, welche weniger "
"als 8MB RAM haben\n\n"
"Soll Triple-Buffering aktiviert werden?")
(set #aga-prompt (cat
"Wenn StormMesa 3.0 im AGA-Modus verwendet wird und OS 3.0 vorhanden "
"ist, dann muss der \"NewWPA8\"-Patch installiert werden. Soll der Patch "
"ins C-Verzeichnis kopiert werden?")
(set #aga-copy "Kopiere NewWPA8 nach C:")
(set #aga-msg (cat
"Hinweis: Damit dieser Patch wirksam wird, muss in der Startup-Sequence "
"(am besten direkt hinter SetPatch) folgende Zeile eingefügt werden:\n"
"Dieser Installer führt diese Änderung nicht durch, dies muß mit einem "
"Texteditor nachträglich gemacht werden.")
(set #exit-msg (cat
"Die Installation ist nun vollständig. Jetzt können Sie "
"die Demo-Archive mit vielen Beispielprogrammen besorgen "
"und installieren und so die StormMesa-Software ausprobieren".)
; Procedure to copy a single library
(procedure P_copy_single arg1
(if (exists (arg1))
(prompt (cat #libs-copy-msg (fileonly(arg1))))
(help @copylib-help)
(source arg1)
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional "oknodelete" "askuser")
; How can it be there's no way of specifying an environment variable?
(procedure P_setenv arg1 arg2
(if (exists (tackon "ENV:" arg1) (noreq))
(delete (tackon "ENV:" arg1))
(if (exists (tackon "ENVARC:" arg1) (noreq))
(delete (tackon "ENVARC:" arg1))
(dest (tackon "ENV:" arg1))
(append arg2)
(dest (tackon "ENVARC:" arg1))
(append arg2)
; Load corresponding strings
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(welcome #welcome)
(if (exists "mesa:" (noreq))
(set #defdest "mesa:")
(if (= @user-level 0)
(if (not (exists "Work:StormMesa" (noreq)))
(makedir "Work:StormMesa")
(set #defdest "Work:StormMesa")
(set #defdest "Work:")
(set #defdest
(prompt #dest-prompt)
(help @askdir-help)
(default #defdest)
(set @default-dest #defdest)
(prompt #main-copy-msg)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "AMIGA")
(dest (tackon #defdest "AMIGA"))
(optional "oknodelete" "askuser")
; modify user-startup
(if (NOT (exists "mesa:" (noreq)))
((startup "StormMesa"
(prompt (cat
(command (cat "Assign mesa: " #defdest))
(help @startup-help)
(makeassign "mesa" #defdest (safe)))
; Copy shared libraries
; Single copy, because that's the only way to do version checking
(P_copy_single "AMIGA/slibs/agl.library")
(P_copy_single "AMIGA/slibs/aglu.library")
(P_copy_single "AMIGA/slibs/aglut.library")
(P_copy_single "AMIGA/slibs/agle.library")
(P_copy_single "AMIGA/slibs/aglsmap.library")
(P_copy_single "AMIGA/slibs/aglppc.library")
(P_copy_single "AMIGA/slibs/agluppc.library")
(P_copy_single "AMIGA/slibs/aglutppc.library")
(P_copy_single "AMIGA/slibs/agleppc.library")
(P_copy_single "AMIGA/slibs/aglsmapppc.library")
; Create MESA and GLUT dirs in ENV:
(makedir "ENV:MESA")
(makedir "ENV:GLUT")
(makedir "ENVARC:MESA")
(makedir "ENVARC:GLUT")
; - Ask and set MESA/STATS
(set #stat
(prompt #stat-prompt)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices #yes #no)
(default 0)
(if (= #stat 0)
(P_setenv "MESA/STATS" "1")
(P_setenv "MESA/STATS" "0")
(if (exists "Devs:Monitors/CVision3D" (noreq))
(set #noclamp
(prompt #noclamp-prompt)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices #yes #no)
(default 1)
(if (= #noclamp 0)
(P_setenv "MESA/NOCLAMP" "1")
(P_setenv "MESA/NOCLAMP" "0")
(P_setenv "MESA/NOCLAMP" "0")
(P_setenv "MESA/LOCKMODE" "3")
(set #triple
(prompt #triple-prompt)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices #yes #no)
(default 0)
(if (= #triple 0)
(P_setenv "MESA/TRIPLE" "1")
(P_setenv "MESA/TRIPLE" "0")
; - More env variables
(P_setenv "MESA/FORCE_DB" "1")
(P_setenv "GLUT/FORCE_DB" "1")
; - Try to evaluate if NewWPA8 is required
(if (= (database "chiprev") "AA")
(set #hasaga 1)
(set #hasaga 0)
(if (= #hasaga 1)
(if (= (askchoice (prompt #aga-prompt) (help @askchoice-help) (choices #yes #no) (default 1) ) 0)
(prompt #aga-copy)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "AMIGA/misc/NewWPA8/NewWPA8")
(dest "C:")
(optional "oknodelete force")
(message #aga-msg)
(exit #exit-msg)